Protect and preserve the natural environment of Arnold Lake and surrounding property.
Ensure our generation and future generations have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of our
lake's pristine environment, recreational and sporting activities.
**Maintain water quality and desirable lake level.
**Preserve the natural environment, wildlife habitat and fish propagation.
**Respect riparian rights.
**Support recreational and sporting use of the lake.
**Preserve tranquility through reasonably controlled use of the lake.
President - Cyndy Southern
V-President - Mike Toner
Secretary - Sandie Cortez
Treasurer - Maura Mazey
Board Members - Matt Southern, John Hood, John Marion, Denise Herman, Darrell Chambliss
contact any above at:: alpoawebmaster1@gmail.com
SAD (Special Assessment District):
The SAD is now is now in effect for 5 years. We will now have 100% support for the weed control from our waterfront
property owners on our lake.
Thank you for your support.
Lawn Fertilizers:
If you must fertilize, avoid fertilizers that contain phosphorus. It is phosphorus that accelerates growth of algae
and weeds in our lake. When buying fertilizer the middle number indicates the amount of phosphorus.
Example: 10-0-10 fertilizer contains zero phosphorus.
Dates to remember:
Zebra Muscles:
Zebra muscles are in our lake and there is not much we can do about it. They were probably brought in from other lakes by
boaters using the boat ramp. As for any cure for these, nothing is available yet. Your board will be keeping an eye on this.
We do advise waring water shoes to help prevent the cutting of your feet. You can keep your boat motor’s lower unit out
of the water while not in use, they can get into the unit and cause problems.
No Wake Hours:
Remember, The NO WAKE laws are State laws, not just our rules. So, please observe.
(NO wake between 7:30 PM and 11:00 AM)
New signs installed at south end of the kake.
2012 DNR Fish Survey for Arnold Lake (Word Doc.)
Web page updated 11-30-2016

Michigan Lake & Stream Assoc.
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